
The Clean Rooms


Clean Room Packaging

Medicoat SAS is equipped with two ISO 6 category clean rooms with a laminar air flow.

The total surface area of each of our clean rooms is approximately 55m². Several areas are separated with walls.
There is a washing and disinfection area where the products enter the room. They are washed and disinfected by a combination of type II purified water and a detergent.

Inside the room, a flow of filtered air circulates permanently on a horizontal axis. The air is constantly renewed to prevent contaminations.

Each part follows a predetermined path, from the entrance to the cleanroom to its exit. Thus, a part never goes backwards and two parts at different stages of manufacturing will never cross each other.

We have an area dedicated to the preparation of the part before its coating, the coating area, an inspection area and finally the packaging of the part in either a vaccum blister or a vacuum bag.
In the case where only a packing operation has to be carried out, the product goes directly from the disinfection area to the packaging area.

The people working in the clean rooms are qualified operators who have received training to learn all the right gestures. A monitoring system continuously monitors the environmental parameters of the rooms. Microbiological controls are also regularly carried out to ensure a clean environment.