Learn more about Medicoat
About Medicoat
- Our customers worldwide benefit from our many years of in-house expertise in coating processes, coating equipment and coating powder and receive our services in the required product quality and on the agreed terms
- We continuously develop our products and invest in research and development to ensure our long-term marketability
- We develop and produce titanium and hydroxyapatite powders adapted to the thermal spray process
- With our high-quality coatings, we provide our medical technology customers with added value for their ceramic, metal or plastic implants
- We build efficient coating systems based on the latest technologies and guarantee minimal downtime
- We support our customers in their development projects as well as process optimization in all industrial sectors.
- We live quality management as a central management tool of the company.
Medicoat is an innovative company in the field of thermal spraying technology with a focus on plasma spraying.
- Around 90 employees work at our multiple sites in Switzerland as well as in France.
- We coat implants on behalf of well-known medical technology companies, develop and optimize spray coatings for industrial applications, manufacture complete coating systems in plant engineering and manufacture the specific spray powder (titanium and hydroxyapatite) ourselves.
- We distinguish ourselves from our competitors by combining the areas of coating, plant engineering, powder production and coating development in one company – All around the implants surface.